7 Ways to Make Yourself Happier in the Next Hour
I found this article years ago. I don’t remember where and do not have an authors name. These are all simple things each of us can do. The author stated spenting a year testing out the various theories of current scientific studies on happiness, and came up with seven points. Each of them can help lift your mood and give you a sense of accomplishment.
The idea is to try to do at least one, preferably more in an hour.
- Boost your energy by getting up and moving around. Taking a brisk ten-minute walk is best, because when you are moving faster, your metabolism speeds up and the activity is good for your focus and mood and helps you retain information.
- Reach out to friends. Arrange a lunch date or send an email to someone you haven't seen for a while. Socializing boosts moods and having close bonds with others is one of the keys to happiness.
- Get an old task out of the way. If you've been procrastinating about a chore, tackle it now. Like making that doctor or dental appointment, or arranging to get broken equipment fixed. You'll feel a sense of relief and a burst of energy.
- Create a calmer environment. Just clearing some space around you, or getting things in order will give you a sense of serenity.
- Plan some future fun. Decide to get to that new movie, or order a book you've wanted to read, or plan an activity with friends or family. Having fun on a regular basis is necessary to happiness, and anticipation is a part of that.
- Do a good deed. Something as simple as holding a door for someone or offering praise can help, because the adage "do good, feel good" really works.
- Act happy. Smile! Just going through the motion of happiness lifts your spirits and makes you more approachable.